TERMS & CONTEXT Bokeh Japanese word for senility or dizziness , and by estension, haze or blur. A background blur created with a shallow plane of focus(wide aperture). The shape of bokeh is ditermaned by the shape of the aperture blades . Exposure Triangle Aperture: True: the larger the aperture, the more the background will be out of focus ISO The sensitivity of the film/sensor Choose the appropiate ISO for your light ne HISTORY EUGÈNE ATGET 1857-1927 French Known for his photographs of Paris streets, architecture, and the occasional person. Long exposure times that create a dreamlike sense of light in his images. Most of his work was only published after his death. ALFRED STIEGLITZ 1864-1946 From the U.S. Important figure in promoting photography as a viable form of art. Publisher, patron, collector, gallery owner, promoter... of all kinds of art. Married to painter Gerogia O'Keeffe "I have alwa...